domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2009


That's for some DOTA player that I hope can see this post...

Imagine a game with this hero lanes... (Sentinel): Naga + wl bot
Krob mid
Rhasta + Levi top

That's a really hard game in the early game. All lanes being pressured and low farm power (maybe mid can take care of his lane).
At lvl6 with naga, levi, rhasta and WL, your Krob lvl 9 (maybe) you can push bot or mid tower (the tower with less life). The first tower you can take just atacking... the second tower that's what will happen:
- Scourge mass TP
-naga illusions + levi ult + rhasta ult (all foccused in tower)
- WL ult
- If that's needed, naga ult...
- You still have krob ult if you need to.

If you can start the push, you will AWAYS win the tower, and if you really want to, the teambattle (but that's not the poin). No matters what the other teams do, you will aways take down they towers IF you can start...

Now imagine lvl 11 with naga, and rhasta...
You get in the opponent base...

- Naga illu, Krob ult, Levi ult, rhasta ult
- WL ult
- Naga ult...
It's 9 sec of AOE desable with a HIGH PUSH TEAM in your towers and rax...
You have a lot of variable tatic that use the same mechanism... start the battle and take down the towers...

FTD used this strategy in a non notice way... Sniper + Visage + Kunkka + enigma in the final... PL + Razor + shaker... Naga + Visage (2x)...
It's aways a tower killer team disfarced as a Turttle game... 1 Mistake and you loose all rax...

Dota is a game of ganking and killing heroes and farming the most powerfull itens or is about taking the frozen throne/tree of life down??
When will the people realize that all the current games, the winner is the team that can Start and make the choice: - Kill all heroes and take the base down
or - Take the base down and go away and Heal and prepare to push again...

Let's see meduza or razor tanking MEGA CREEPS...
That's a post dedicated to Kuroky, maybe one day you can read it xD
(PS: Sorry, bad english)

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